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Why Landscape Lighting is Important

To some homeowners, landscape lighting would not make much sense. The fees and the amount of effort put in such a project seem like a waste of money. To others, however; this is an important part of home finishing that serves a number of purposes.

Lighting the compound does not come cheap. Right from design to the huge number of light bulbs that are required to give the whole design and installation a functional and aesthetic look, a huge monetary investment is required. However, all this is not a waste of money; rather it comes with a number of crucial benefits to the homeowner.

office ceiling potlights Installation by Mr.Potlight


Beauty may never be the primary objective of any form of lighting, but it is an undeniable result. There are two types of beauties that can be achieved through lighting. The first one is revealed beauty. This is where lighting is used to illuminate a section of the landscape and reveal its beauty. It might be natural beauty or one enhanced through architectural efforts.

The second type is created beauty. Experts in landscape lighting can in their design create patterns by mixing shadows and light to accomplish a particular image.  This ends up creating stunning expressions that in the end uplifts the general outlook of a home.

Exterior Stairs Led Pot Lights Toronto


This is one of the most important purposes of landscape lighting. The compound can be a den of hazards that can only be eliminated through proper lighting at night. The basic of any outdoor lighting is to enhance safety both for the occupants and visitors. To accomplish this purpose, lighting has to be adequately bright and should also cover crucial sections of the landscape such as paths, driveways and passages.

The need for lighting is more pronounced in commercial zones as dictated by regulations. For residential areas, however; this need might be minimal but nevertheless essential.

Led Outdoor Lighting and Pot Light Installation Company


A properly lit compound portrays a sense of security. Lighting in itself accomplishes both deterrence and preventive purposes. Experts in lighting usually pay attention to sections of the compound that may seem more vulnerable.

It is not mandatory that all areas be properly illuminated, however; the intensity of light should be dictated by any security concerns arising. In some areas, there is a need for flood lights while in others, shadowed light would suffice.

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Mr. Potlight Advantage

  1. All our electricians are licensed
  2. We are fully insured
  3. You will receive an ESA Certificate after installation *
  4. Absolutely No Mess or Damage to your home guaranteed
  5. You pay upon the completion of your pot light installation
  1. No Molding required – We do not run wires through Moldings
  2. No Damage to Ceilings
  3. No ripping of carpets or drywalls
  4. No overloading of Circuits
  5. No use sub-par pot lights

ECRA ESA licence bbb

  • We guarantee that your pot light installation will be completed in one day!
  • We install over 100 pot lights in a day with Absolutely No Mess or Damage to your home.
  • We provide a 5-year Warranty on our products.
  • Our policy reflects the following statement: you don’t have to pay until your pot light installation is complete and up to par, because we hold our promise to the highest degree of integrity.

*To receive an ESA Certification please verify with the electrician when consulting.

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