3 Ways to Extend your LED Pot Lights Lifespan | Mr. Potlight

3 Ways to Extend your LED Pot Lights Lifespan

LED pot lights have revolutionized the lighting space for homeowners and business owners alike. They are energy efficient and have a much longer lifespan than traditional incandescent or fluorescent lighting solutions. 

The average life of LED bulbs for pot lights is astounding—we’re talking approximately 50,000 hours of reliable light for your home or workplace. But even the best quality LED lights to need proper care and maintenance to ensure a long life.

The 3 ways to extend the lifespan of your pot lights are:

pot light installers

Control Usage

Every LED has an approximate number of hours it will last before it shuts off forever and needs to be replaced. You can extend your LED lifespan by being conscious about how long they’re left on for each day. 

Let’s say you work in an office space. Be sure to turn the lights off at the end of each day when you go home. Not only will this save you money on utility costs, but it will ensure you spend less money as a result of less frequent LED replacements. 

If you want to be even more cost-effective, you could consider installing motion detectors. This way, you won’t even have to remember to turn your LEDs on or off because they’ll be automatically triggered by an individual’s physical presence in the room. Of course, the practicality of this solution all depends on the size and layout of your workplace.

Avoid Frequently Turning Lights On and Off

Everybody knows that keeping your lights turned on consumes more electricity and can reduce the lifespan of your pot lights. Did you know however that switching your lights on and off too frequently can also have a negative impact? 

Take some time to review high-traffic areas in your home. If you know there are some locations where lights are often switched on and off because of high usage, then you might be better off simply leaving those lights turned on until the very end of the day. Undertaking this practice increases your chances of extending the life of your LED pot lights.

amazing kitchen with potlights

Additional Features

  • Motion Detection and Occupancy Sensors 

For businesses with large office spaces or massive production facilities, saving money on the cost of LED replacements is essential for cutting down on annual maintenance costs. To adequately manage these types of expensive lighting setups, you’ll need to invest in some additional technology, but trust us—it’s worth the investment! 

Motion sensors, also known as occupancy sensors, can easily help you manage the lighting situations in areas frequently accessed by employees. They automatically turn lights on or off or even dim them slightly depending on the time of day. Having this type of feature will help you shave down those monthly energy costs. 

If you want the next level of motion detection, you can get sensors that use infrared technology to determine if the objects passing through the detection zone are people, or simply the mechanics of your production line. But our expert team at Mr. Potlight can help you determine which type of technology is right for your workplace. 

  • LED Timers 

If you want a more budget-friendly solution to cut down on energy usage, you can easily connect a timed switch to your lighting grid. These can be hardwired to your system, plug directly into your standard outlet, or even offer wireless capability that can be controlled anywhere by using a smartphone.

Get your LED Pot Lights Shining Bright

Those were just a few tips to get you started if you’re looking to extend the lifespan of led pot lights and save some money on your electricity bill in the process! But if you need more advice or LED replacement services in Toronto and the GTA, call the pot light professionals at Mr. Potlight!

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